Get started with your autumn lawn and landscaping clean-up with our top-five checklist.
Summer is coming to a close and that means it’s the perfect time to do a little bit of landscaping clean-up before things get too cold outside.
A bit of care and maintenance now can lead to a healthy, lush lawn next spring.
Getting your yard ready for autumn
Not sure where to start? Follow our lawn and landscaping checklist to make sure you have everything taken care of before the snow starts falling.
1. Remove any leftover debris
As the leaves continue to fall, you’ll want to regularly remove them from your lawn. A layer of leaves and weeds can smother your grass and provide a perfect home for mice and other pests.
2. Remove dead shrubs and trees
Now that things are past their peak growing season, you’ll know which trees and shrubs didn’t do well this year and need to be removed. If your unsure, you can check for signs of life by scratching at the bark near the base of a tree to see if there is any green there. If there isn’t, the tree might be dead and should probably be removed. Autumn is also a great time to plant new trees and perennials if there are any you need to replace.
3. Keep mowing
Part of fall lawn care is making sure your grass ends the season strong and healthy. It’s important to continue mowing and watering as needed. Set your lawnmower blades to the lowest setting for the final two cuts of the season. This allows more sunlight to reach the crown of the grass and will dry the soil out faster in the spring. Once temperatures drop below 50, it’s best to put the lawnmower away and let the grass rest for the winter.
4. Mulch plants and trees
Depending on the conditions where you live, many trees and bushes can benefit from mulching to help them stay strong through the winter months. Mulching also reduces erosion and helps suppress weeds. Perennials and cool-weather annuals often need from two to three- inches of mulch.
5. Don’t forget about your garden
Cleaning up your garden in the fall makes spring planting so much more enjoyable. Before the ground freezes, remove weeds and other plant debris. Trim any perennials plants or herbs and mulch as needed.
Need a little help getting your yard cleanup and ready for winter? Give Great Goats Landscaping a call and we’ll get the job done for you.