6 Tips for Mowing Your Lawn

One of the most important and noticeable things about your landscaping is your lawn. Make sure you’re mowing your lawn weekly. If your grass is poorly managed it will negatively impact your landscaping, no matter how many flowers and water features you have. Keep your lawn looking pristine with these 6 tips:

Change the mowing pattern

Cutting in the same pattern every week can lead to ruts in your yard. It will also cause your grass to lay down in the direction you mow. If you change up the mow pattern, your grass will stand up straight throughout the yard.

Don’t mow too low

Grass should be at least 3 inches tall. If you cut below 3 inches, the grass won’t be able to retain water or soak up nutrients. If your grass is too short, it will also reveal imperfections and patches of dirt in your yard. This is also bad for your mower because the blades will hit the ground rather than the grass and dull the blade. Ideal grass length is 3-5 inches long.  

Try mowing when it’s dry

Don’t mow right after it has rained because wet grass clumps and damages your mower. If the mower blade isn’t sharp enough, it will tear your grass rather than cut it. Torn grass is susceptible to disease and drought.

Consider mowing in the evenings

You probably don’t want to be out mowing in the beating down sun anyway. The direct overhead sun will put unnecessary stress on your grass and cause it to brown. It’s not a great idea to mow your lawn in the mornings either because of the dew. Evening is the best time to mow to keep your grass healthy.

Maintain your mower

A dull blade won’t cut grass, it will tear grass. Torn grass is susceptible to disease and drought. Additionally, if your mower has too much grass built up underneath it, it will be difficult for it to function properly. Maintain your mower so that it can do its job and keep your lawn healthy.

Don’t forget to edge

Edging is an easy step to skip because it seems like the mower did the job. Taking the time to edge will give your lawn a completed look.

Call Great Goats Landscaping

We would love to help you maintain your lawn and give you a beautiful yard to enjoy all summer long. We offer many services including a free mow! Gives us a call!

7 Landscaping Ideas on a Budget

Are you ready to tackle your yard but don’t want to break the bank? Budget can be one of the biggest reasons why people avoid landscaping, but it doesn’t have to be! Here are 7 ways you can create your landscaping on a budget:

1. Plant edible plants

Planting a vegetable and/or herb garden is a great way to save money! Not only will it cut down your grocery costs, it will also fill your yard with diversity.  

Pro tip: plant marigolds around your vegetable garden to keep pests away. They add a color pop and they’re edible too!

2. Consider mulch alternatives to keep your landscaping budget

Mulch is a great way to give your landscaping a clean and finished look, but mulch can be pricey! Instead of mulch, consider using grass clippings, shredded leaves, or pine needles.

3. Construct palette furniture for landscaping on a budget

Repurpose old palettes to use instead of patio furniture. Palettes are cheap, easy to come by, and will add a rustic flair to your yard.  

4. Add stepping stones or wood rounds

Stepping stones are a great way to fill out the space in your yard and add dimension. They’re pretty affordable and you may even have some stones on hand. They don’t need to match each other either!

Wood rounds are another option for creating a path. Cut a log into thin slabs and place them through your yard or garden for an artistic touch. The rounds don’t have to be identical – get creative with size variation!

5. Incorporate raised beds in your landscaping

Raised beds are a great way to section off your garden and fill out your yard. You can use pretty much anything to create a raised bed. If you want something simple and classic, go with wooden beds. If you want something more unique try bricks, logs, or galvanized metal.

6. Repurpose old tires for landscaping on a budget

Tires are so cheap and easy to find! They are extremely versatile when it comes to landscaping – the possibilities are endless!

  • Stack and stagger them to create raised beds (raised beds can be made out of anything!)
  • Cover with outdoor pillow casings or rope for patio ottomans.
  • Use as a retaining wall
  • Turn the tire on its side, mount it to a wall or fence, and fill the bottom half with flowers
  • Create a recycled tire climber for your kids
  • Paint them

7. Include a pop of color in your landscaping

Color is a great way to bring your yard to life! Plant flowers strategically so that your eye is drawn to pops of color around your yard rather than one location. This will make the yard feel balanced and cohesive.

Do these 5 things to keep your flower garden from dying

Call Great Goats Landscaping!

We’re a small, local landscaping company and we love to create beautiful yards. We collaborate with the homeowner and work to accomplish all your wants and needs within your budget! Give us a call, and let’s get to planning!

How to Keep your Flower Garden from Dying

Flower gardens are a wonderful addition to your landscaping. They provide diversity and beautiful colors, and they’ve been proven to help boost your mood! After all the hard work of planting your flower garden you want to make sure it lasts all season long. Here are five ways to to keep your flower garden from dying:

Choose the right location

There are many species of flowers, and they all come with their own unique set of needs. Some flowers need lots of sun, and some flowers prefer shade. When planting your flower garden, pay attention to how much sun and shade your garden receives each day and then choose your flowers accordingly.

Water appropriately

Over or under watering is one of the most common reasons flowers die. If flowers are in direct sunlight, they likely need more water. If they’re planted in the shade, they’ll probably need less water. Most flower gardens need to be watered 2-3 times a week (on average) depending on what point of the season we’re in.

Pro tip: Avoid watering in the heat of the day. Water your flowers in the mornings or evenings to keep them from wilting or scorching.

Check out these other tips for picture perfect landscaping!

Pick flowers suited for your climate

Again, there are so many species of flowers and they don’t all live in the same place. Some flowers do better in hotter, dryer climates and some need a lot of humidity to thrive. Make sure you choose flowers that are either native to your area (best option!) or choose flowers that tolerate your climate. Consider your area’s rainfall too. Some flowers can tolerate heavy rain but not all can!

Trim dead stems and leaves

A great way to keep your flower garden from dying is to trim dead stems and leaves so that it has space to continue to grow. Think of the dead stems and leaves as a dead end. If there isn’t any road left, you can’t keep driving. In the same way, the flowers can’t keep growing.

Have a game plan for summer vacations

It’s unfortunately way too common that flower gardens reach their demise while the family is on summer vacation. Remember, flowers need to be watered 2-3 times a week. Don’t leave your flowers baking in the sun while you’re enjoying your much needed time away. Consider putting a timer on your sprinklers or asking a neighbor to water while you’re away.

Call Great Goats Landscaping today!

We believe every home deserves GREAT landscaping! We’d love to help you design your landscaping and determine the best location for your flower garden(s). Let’s create a beautiful outdoor space together!